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Updated: 17 March 2020

We have made the hard decision to cancel our popular quiz night in light of the current health issues.  We are sad as we enjoy putting on the event as much as you enjoy attending.  Stay safe our lovely "Quizzers".  Southrepps Events Team

We start the quiz at 7:30 pm promptly so please be ready at your tables in good time before. The doors are open from 6:30 pm.

At £5 per head including food it's great value for money. You can reserve your tickets by filling in the form below, Vernon Arms or email us on

Included into your ticket price you will get a bowl of delicious soup with crusty bread on the night. Please note that if you have any food allergies, we suggest you bring your own to be on the safe side.  You are welcome to bring your own snacks if you wish.

You are welcome to bring your own drinks as we don't have a licenced bar available on the night. We ask that you bring your own glasses as we don't have any available. There will be tea and coffee available to buy.

We will be doing a raffle on the night. If you have any prizes you would be happy donate then they will be greatly received.

We do our best to lessen the impact on the environment of our village. When leaving please place your glass bottles in the bottle bank outside the hall and your other waste home.

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Our popular quiz night is back, we have to apologies for the postponement of the advertised date of the 18th January.

We start the quiz at 7:30pm promptly so please be ready at your tables in good time before. The doors are open from 6:30pm.

At £5 per head including food it's great value for money. You can reserve your tickets by messaging here, go to the Vernon Arms and purchase your tickets, or email us on go reserve.

We will be doing another delicious soup with crusty bread on the night (this is included in your ticket price). Please note that if you have any food allergies, we suggest you bring your own to be on the safe side.

You are welcome to bring your own drinks as we don't have a licence bar available not he night. We ask that you bring your own glasses as we don't have any available. There will be tea and coffee available to buy.

We will be doing a raffle on the night. If you have any prizes you would be happy donate then they will be greatly received.

We do our best to lesson the impact on the environment of our village. When leaving please place your glass bottles in the bottle bank outside the hall and your other waste home.

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Our Halloween Quiz night was the second quiz night we had organised and it was a great success and we had a fantastic turnout.  There were halloween costumes and our spooky pumpkin soup went down a treat with everyone.

We haven't had the final count up yet but over £300 was raised for the village hall.   We are looking to update the toilets so all this helps to raise the funds for that.

THANK YOU to all who attended.

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